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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cyclingturtle Worried About Getting Sued

Tuesday 15 May 2007.

Singapore: The recent case between Novelty Pte Ltd and Amanresorts has left the author behind the famous cyclingturtle blog anxious if he is next in the suing spree. Just recently, a high court judge had ordered property developer Novelty Pte Ltd to change the name of its yet-to-be-completed private residential project, ruling that the 'Amanusa' name would likely dilute the image of one of the world's most exclusive resorts.

Although somewhat edgy over such irrelevant news, the author remains firm on his stand to keep his image. "I am Ah Munn, and I will remain as Ah Munn. My grandmother gave me my name since I was born. Amanresorts may not like it, but they'll have to live with it - the fact that I have a name that sounds like theirs. So what?" said cyclingturtle when reporters visited him in his office. "Hmmm...... In fact, 'Ah Munn Resorts to Suing Amanresorts'. Put that headline in your newspapers", he said as he motioned a tagline. "Because I think I was born even before Amanresorts became famous. I came first!".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very funny munnster!