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Monday, July 20, 2009

Leadership comes with great responsibilities and......

In a couple of weeks, I'll be taking on the role of a General Manager at the Singapore office of an MNC. Many friends have congratulated me and gave me sound advice. One piece of advice in particular stood out: A great leadership role comes with great responsibilites.

It is true.

I've been thinking seriously about life lately, especially when I'm experiencing a career jump and at the same time, a jump in another stage in life - Marriage.

Career and Marriage. Both jumps are not mere hopscotch play, but leaps of faith, discernment, trust, passion, and love as described in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7.

Love is Patient, not Hasty
Love is Kind, not Inconsiderate
Love is Content, not Envious
Love is Humble, not Prideful
Love is Courteous, not Rude
Love is Generous, not Selfish
Love is Good-tempered, not Irritable
Love is Forgiving, not Vengeful
Love is Indestructible

I'm driving at the Love of Christ and the Love for Christ. Perhaps I'm at this stage in my life's journey that I have to consciously rely more on God's guidance to get by. Leadership in my career and leadership in marriage (and later, fatherhood) should be endorsed by Christ and I've to be willing to accept that fact. I need to allow God to guide me through the big responsibilities coming my way.

Only then will I be on the road to being a great leader.

1 comment:

jenell said...

about time! :D